us on Facebook and see videos and updates!
horses presented for the sale are considered of fine temperament,
sound way of going, and good conformation before being entered
into sale. Four radiographic views are taken of each hock and
a single view of the front feet are taken on all entries. A Coggin’s
test is also done. If for any reason it appears something should
be noted, additional x-rays may be taken to ensure nothing visible
is overlooked.
All horses are in a working program for the days in May before
the sale date. If any soundness issues arise during this time,
the horse is re-examined and may be pulled from the sale with
a veterinary certificate.
All horses are handled, bathed, clipped and fully groomed each
day as well as checked for lumps, bumps, or sores which may have
incurred due to training. Eight days prior to sale date, the stable
is open for potential buyers to try horses of their choice and
to arrange for private vettings if so desired.
each horse is sold on the day of sale, any notable information
is disclosed. Although precautions are taken to ensure each horse
is right of “wind and limb”, it is advisable to have a vet of
your choice look at the horse or horses you have decided on.
Sale: Date, time & location
Our 2018 Auction Sale will be held on Saturday May 26th at 12:00pm.
Horses may be previewed by appointment only between May 20th and
23rd, 2018. See the viewing and trial period
schedule here. The location of this sale will be Orchard Park
Stables, Freelton Ontario.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
to Orchard Park Stables Back to top
the Toronto Area
Hwy. 401 West towards London, past Milton, to the Guelph Line
Exit. (This is the exit that Mohawk Raceway is on) Off the ramp,
turn left (South). Go to the traffic lights, which is Campbellville
Road. (Gas station on NE corner) Turn Right (West) onto Campbelleville
Road and go approx. 6 KM to Milborough Townline. Turn Left (South)
and go approx. 6 KM to the 10th Concession E which is just before
a set of Train tracks. Turn Right (West), the only option onto
10th Concession East. Go approx. 2 KM, and just as you go up over
a small hill, our laneway is on the right hand side, just over
the crest of the hill. Look for a yellow road sign at the end
of the laneway that says Orchard Park Stables. 359 10th Concession
the QEW West towards Hamilton to the Hwy. 6 North Exit, towards
Guelph. Once on Hwy. 6, you will go up a steep hill, to Clappison's
Corners, which intercepts with Hwy. 5. Keep straight (North) on
Hwy. 6 for approx. 12 KM to the 10th Concession East. There is
a New Holland Tractor dealership on the SE corner. Turn Right
(East) the only option, and stay on the 10th Concession East.
You will come to a stop sign at Center Road, (Balaclava Public
School on SE corner) go straight thru. Go 1 KM and our laneway
is on the left just as you go up a slight hill. Look for a yellow
road sign at the end of the laneway that says Orchard Park Stables.
359 10th Concession East
From the Detroit/Windsor Area
Hwy. 401 East towards Toronto, past Kitchener and Cambridge, to
Hwy. 6 SOUTH. (Be aware that Hwy. 6 South is 5 KM past Hwy. 6
North) Go Right (South) off the exit towards Hamilton. Keep straight
(South) on Hwy. 6 for approx. 12 KM to the 10th Concession East.
There is a New Holland Tractor Dealership on the SE corner. Turn
left (East) the only option, and stay on the 10th Concession East.
You will come to a stop sign at Center Road, (Balaclava Public
School on SE corner) go straight thru. Go 1 KM and our laneway
is on the left just as you go up a slight hill. Look for a yellow
road sign at the end of the laneway that says Orchard Park Stables.
359 10th Concession East
the Niagara Falls/Buffalo Area
the QEW East towards Toronto, (approx. 40 KM from the Niagara
Falls border) and go over the Skyway Bridge past Grimsby, Stoney
Creek. Approx. 3 KM past the skyway, you will take Hwy. 403 West
Hamilton, go approx. 5 KM to the Hwy. 6 North Exit towards Guelph.
Once on Hwy. 6, you will go up a steep hill, to Clappison's Corners,
which intercepts with Hwy. 5. Keep straight (North) on Hwy. 6
for approx. 12 KM to the 10th Concession East. There is a New
Holland Tractor Dealership on the SE corner. Turn Right (East)
the only option, and stay on the 10th Concession East. You will
come to a stop sign at Center Road, (Balaclava Public School on
SE corner) go straight thru. Go 1 KM and our laneway is on the
left just as you go up a slight hill. Look for a yellow road sign
at the end of the laneway that says Orchard Park Stables. 359
10th Concession East
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Schedule Back to top
2018 schedule! Please note that we will be opening Orchard
Park Stables for previewing and trying horses between May 20th
and 23rd. All free jumping videos will be available to be seen
on any of the other preview days as well as at the sale. Please
make an appointment.
you do wish to register in advance, please print
out the registration form and return it to the Registration
Officer. All details are on the document.
contact us for any information at anytime. You
can call Barb Bowen at (905) 659-1704 or email Jodie Bowen
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
of Payment
read the Terms & Conditions below for payment information.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Back to top
do not employ sales agents, nor do we pay commissions to buyers'
representatives. To avoid the possibility of conflicts of interest,
any compensation to a third party acting for a purchaser is a
private matter between that party and the purchaser.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and Conditions: Back to top
Breeders Production Sale Association
26th, 2018
Location: Orchard Park Stables
359 Concession 10 East Freelton, ON Canada
See schedule
All entries are sold “as is”. All sales are final. Absolutely
No guarantee after you leave the sale arena.
papers pertaining to the soundness of any horse its pedigree and
any breeding information on file, are available for inspection
by registered bidders upon request.
to the auction a veterinarian has examined all horses, and all
horses have been x-rayed. All horses have up to date coggins tests.
Any further information regarding the health of the horse may
be obtained on site.
A veterinarian can be available upon request at prospective buyer’s
expense. Please
contact us prior to sale.
Back to top
All bidders must be registered.
reasonable offers accepted. Highest bidder shall be the
buyer. Should a dispute arise the Auctioneer’s decision shall
be final. Bids received after the fall of the hammer are
not valid nor are they grounds for dispute. Bids acknowledged
by bid spotters employed by the Auctioneer are recognized as if
tendered to the Auctioneer, but in case of dispute the bidding
shall be reopened immediately for advanced bids and if there are
no advanced bids, the horse will be sold to the person from whom
the Auctioneer recognized the last bid.
case of dispute, advanced bidding shall be restricted to the contending
parties, but should the recognized bid be reduced below the bid
at commencement of the dispute, then bidding shall be reopened
to all bidders. Any agents planning on bidding for a client must
notify the sales management prior to the beginning of the sale,
and they must register for themselves and their client with method
of payment approved before the commencement of the sale .
bids are permitted and accepted prior to the sale in writing,
by fax, or during the auction by phone. In either case the bidder
must have payment method approved prior to sale. Please note that
the sales management nor Auctioneer accept any responsibility
for transactions between agent and client.
to top
purchaser, at the fall of the hammer, assumes all risk and responsibility
for the horse, but the animal shall not be released to the buyer
until satisfactory settlement has been made in Canadian dollars,
to the sale cashier. Delivery will be made in the form of a Stable
release for the horse, provided the purchaser has made full payment.
that remain on the property will be charged a board fee per day
per horse. During the stay of the horse neither the sale management
or Orchard Park Stables nor the Auctioneer or any of their
agents shall be liable for any accidents, theft, disease, or sickness,
death or injury, or damage to any horse however caused.
of Settlement- Method of Payment:
Buyer must make settlement with the sale cashier.
Payment may be made by: Cash or Certified Cheque, a 3% administration
fee will be added. We will not be excepting credit cards or debit
this year, however for all customers in good standing, personal
cheques will be accepted. Wire or E-transfers can also be arranged.
should be made payable to:
Breeders Production Sale"
shall make arrangement for payment in Canadian dollars plus applicable
sales taxes.
will be given and posted on U.S. funds at the current bank rate
at sale time.
Back to top
Purchasers who fail in any respect to pay for horses as provided
for under the conditions of sale may be declared in default.
In such case, the sale management may declare the sale void
or any horse purchased by a defaulter may be resold at public
or private sale without notice for defaulter’s account, reasonable
costs of such resale, including transportation and all other out
of pocket expense to be borne by defaulter.
such resale fail to satisfy the defaulter’s account in full, defaulter
shall pay the sales management the amount owing and
interest at 24% per annum on the unpaid balance as set forth in
conditions, failing which the sales management may bring
suit against the defaulter. Defaulter shall pay all reasonable
legal fees and cost of such litigation.
Buyer and spectators are absolutely at their own risk.
Breeders Production sale, Orchard Park Stables, Jim McCartney
Auction Ltd. disclaim any liability for the two days of the sale.
public is cautioned to be extremely careful while on the grounds,
examining horses and particularly while horses are being
shown and ridden. Do not enter stalls under any conditions.
wishing to ride or inspect a sale horse must first be registered
and do so between May 20th and May 23rd at Orchard Park Stables
by appointment only, and be accompanied by a representative of
Ontario Breeders. A release form must be signed and if riding,
a hard hat and proper footwear must be worn. Ride and examine
horses at your own risk. There are no exceptions to this. Registration
forms can be downloaded here
sales management, its auction service and Orchard Park Stables
reserve the right to take whatever action required to protect
the health and welfare of any horse at the expense of the owner
in an emergency.
Arrangements can be made
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
& Coggins Back to top
and up to date coggins are available. Any further information
regarding the health of the horse may be obtained on site. A veterinarian
can be available upon request. Please contact us prior to the
Sale. X-rays will remain the property of Ontario Breeders Production
Sale. Coggins tests will be released with the horse to the buyer.